My AntiStress

My AntiStress
  • My AntiStress

My AntiStress

Supplement that helps the body respond to stress in a balanced way avoiding hormonal peaks of adrenalin and cortisol thanks to the three key substances Passiflora, Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwagandha and the B vitamin complex.

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My AntiStress helps the body respond to stress and physical and mental tiredness in a balanced way.


  • Helping with metabolic stress
  • Regulating the hormonal response
  • Helping the body reduce peaks and falls in energy levels

Stress is the body’hormonal response to stimuli that can be real (feeling cold, hungry, sleepy etc.) or mental (for example when one is afraid of losing one’s job). The rhythms and the stimuli of life to which individuals are subjected nowadays are extremely high and the human organism has to respond to these stimuli in order to allow the body to continue performing.


When a person is suffering from stress the hormones can have exaggerated responses, for example, by producing so much adrenalin or cortisol that a hormonal imbalance is created on all levels. When the body is stressed it responds by producing hormones to sustain a condition that is considered abnormal.


In these situations, the body can often perform even at higher standards, because of the greater amount of adrenalin produced but it is a condition that is not sustainable in the long term and will prove harmful to the body itself. Stress, therefore, is not only determined by external factors but also by the type of hormonal response produced by the body and nutritional deficiencies can lead the human organism to becoming even more imbalanced.



My AntiStress is a supplement that includes three essential substances, namely Passiflora, Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwagandha with the addition of the vitamin B complex. It is beneficial in cases of physical and mental tiredness and promotes a more balanced stress hormone response preserving the equilibrium and harmony of the body.



Analysis for 1 tablet mg VNR%
Rhodiola Rosea titrated 3% 400
Passiflora titrated 3,5% 200
Ashwagandha titrated 2,5% 200
Vitamin E 60 500%
Vitamin B3 35 219%
of which Nicotinamide 30
of which Nicotinic Acid 5
Vitamin B1 25 2.272%
Beta Carotene 7 140%
Vitamin B5 5 83%
Vitamin B6 5 357%
Choline Bitartrate 5
Inositol 5
Vitamin B2 4,8 343%
Biotin 0,2 400%
Folic Acid 0,1 50%
Vitamin B12 0,033 1320%
Vitamin D3 0,025 500%

*NRV=Nutritional Reference Value

Ingredients: Rhodiola rosea root titrated titrated rosavin 3%, Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata L) flowering plant dry extract titrated in flavonoids 3.5%, Ashwagandha Root whitania somnifera L d. titrated titrated withanolides 2.5%, Natural Vitamin E acetate 50%, Agent Charge: Microcrystalline Cellulose; Vitamin B3, Vitamin B1, Beta Carotene, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Choline Bitartrate, Inositol, PABA, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12 1%, 2.5% Vitamin D3, Biotin, Folic Acid, Anti-caking agents: Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids , hydroxypropyl cellulose, magnesium stearate, silica dioxide; Agents of coating: shellac, acetic acid esters of mono and diglycerides, Polyvinylpyrrolidone.



Take 1 tablet daily



Do not exceed the recommended dose without prior medical advice. Dietary supplements are not intended as a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet. For use during pregnancy, breastfeeding or for children under the age of 12 we recommend the advice of a doctor. Keep out of reach of children.

Store this product in a cool, dry place. This product contains no sugar or artificial sweeteners.

879 Items

Data sheet

Dosage Form
60 tablets (Big) - 30 tablets (Small)
Net Weight
72 g (Big) - 36 g (Small)
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