MY PROBIOTICS is a dietary supplement made of a mixture of granules of lyophilized kefir and different kinds of lactic ferments and aminoacid L-Glutamine
From the moment human beings are born their gastrointestinal system gets colonized by billions of good bacteria that live in perfect symbiosis with the human body.
These friendly bacteria help your body in many ways such as improving your digestion and reinforcing your immune system by impacting your genes and helping them fight disease.
It has been estimated that 80% of our immune system actually lives in our gut.
The bacterial flora also contributes by 80% in the creation of neurotransmitters and also synthesizes vitamins that otherwise the body could not assimilate.
One of the worst things for your health is to damage these colonies of bacteria. When you take antibiotics you destroy them. Even when you eat food with pesticides, other chemical additives and absorb the chlorine in water you slowly kill them. We know that antibiotics and overly processed food are very common in this modern world so the majority of people have damaged the friendly bacteria in their guts and this plays a big role in their health problems, in their digestive difficulties and much more.
Probiotics are friendly bacteria similar to those found in people's guts, there are several different species of bacteria in each group.
Taking probiotics is a way to keep your friendly bacteria strong, active and able to defend you. You will replace the dead bacteria and strengthen the weak ones but also help destroy the disease-causing bacteria you might have.
One should note that while 4 to 7 strains are typically found in probiotics, My Probiotics contains 35 of them and this contributes to repopulate your bacterial flora.
My Probiotics contributes to a correct balance of your intestinal flora which is critical for your health. This supplement can benefit both your digestive system and your immune system, helping them work properly and more efficiently.
It is also important to note that this product can also be stored at room temperature and contains 72 billions CPU per capsule and has more strains than any other similar product on the market, even more than natural kefir (fermented yogurt).
Component Quantity for 1 capsule (daily dose) | mld |
Lb. casei LMG-S27763 | 1 |
Lb. reuteri LMG S-27759 | 1 |
Bb bifidum LMG-S27761 | 1 |
Lb. acidophilus LMG-S27762 | 1 |
L-Glutamine | 200mg |
Ingredients: Lyophilized kefir grains, Lactobacillus casei (LMG-S27763), Lactobscillus reuteri (LMG S-27759), B. bifidum (LMG S-27761), Lactobacillus acidophilus (LMG S-27762); Inulin, acacia fiber, hydroxypropylcellulose
1 capsule daily
Do not exceed the recommended dose without prior medical advice.
Dietary supplements are not intended as a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet.
For use during pregnancy, breastfeeding or for children under the age of 12 we recommend the advice of a doctor.
This product contains no sugar or artificial sweeteners.
This product contains live milk ferments and bifidobacteria and is therefore sensitive to heat. The product can withstand room temperature without losing effectiveness, but once open it should be kept in the fridge at a temperature of 2-8 degrees.
Data sheet